
Bionda Castana 2012 Winter ad by Aaron Tilley

The Bionda Castana 2012 continuation of coarse to wear high-heeled of spring and summer series, while adding the perspective effect of lace, etc. to enrich this series. The colors for the shoes filled with youthful, simple fashion models look beautiful and harmonious, and I believe will be affected by all the ladies love, you are not fond of it?

Bionda Castana 2012 Fall Series continues to wear spring and summer series coarse high-heeled, designer retains the rattan and leopard elements at the same time, by adding lace, rivets, and perspective effects to enrich this series. At the same time, compared to spring new ice cream colors, the autumn to increase the more the occasion of the dark tones of each pair of shoes with real wear degree.


Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield for magazine Teen Vogue, August 2012

Andrew Garfield

Suit: Carven
Necktie:Calvin Klein

Emma Stone

Dress: Louis Vuitton